From A1 motorway:
Exit at Orte, take the Orte-Viterbo SS675 freeway to Civitavecchia and exit at Tuscania (second last exit), turn left and drive 250 meters then turn right and take the Strada Sanbuchete until Strada Borgherolo on the left hand side, turn left after 500.
Driving from South:
Reach Cura di Vetralla village on the Cassia (SS2) road, turn left at km 69 and take the Vetrallese road (whose first 5 km are labelled as SS675 and then SP11) to Tuscania, 500 meters before the Orte-Viterbo SS675 freeway turn left and take the Strada Sanbuchete until Strada Borgherolo on the left hand side, turn left after 500.
Driving from North:
Reach Tuscania and take the Strada Vetrallese SP11 road. After about 10 km by the Orte-Viterbo SS675 freeway turn right and take the Strada Sanbuchete until Strada Borgherolo on the left hand side, turn left after 500.